The Seth Athenor Series

The Berserkr of Borealea


Peter Telemark is the pseudonym of a semi-retired forensic psychologist, which was cobbled together from Peter and the Wolf and the story of the courageous Norwegian saboteurs of the Nazi nuclear project in Telemark, Norway. It was originally the name of a throwaway character in a lost novel written in the early 70s, but he liked it well enough to make it his authorial pen-name.

His literary progenitors include Hemingway, Raymond Chandler, Ian Fleming, Ray Bradbury, and Robert E. Howard, but he is also widely-read in the field of supernatural horror fiction and military history (apart from material relevant to his profession in the fields of psychology, neuropsychology, forensics, and psychopathology – which contributed to his writing a dozen professional articles published in peer-reviewed medical and psychological journals).

His stories currently fall into two series. The first, The Berserkr of Borealea, follows the adventures of a barbarian in an ancient fantasy world dominated by a 1000-mile-long haunted forest. The second, about Seth Athenor, recounts events in a fictionalized British North America and New France in the 1700s, in which a former French Colonial Marine and physician encounters not only supernatural horrors, but the all-too-human crises involving courage, loyalty, failure, guilt, faith, and redemption.

peter telemark books

The Berserkr of Borealea Series

BERSERKR he was called. Not merely a berserkr, but The Berserkr, the archetype of them all, The Fiend that Walketh in the Wood. The Slayer of All Things. The Right Hand of Death. The most terrible ogre in all the dark forest-wilderland of the Forest Borealea that was inhabited by barbarians. This forest stretched for a thousand miles in length and breadth, and many were the demons and monsters that roamed the aisles of black spruce and pine and howled at the cloud-ringed moon from darksome crag and cave.

BERSERKR. How few of those legends and rumors about him were true, but they marked him nonetheless. He fled away, hated and feared by all men. And in time, he came to return hate for hate, and became almost as deadly in truth as what the men of the woodland had whispered in hearsay.

The World of Lost Æthergone

Seth Athenor series

Formerly an Ensign in the French Colonial Marines in New France in the mid-1700s, by training a physician, by experience a frontier scout who has fought pitched battles in the mountain forests. Now forced to desert to His Majesty’s Province of New York after an assassination mission against an innocent British outpost that he refused to carry out, he has since become the medical apothecary of the small town of Dereham. But the supernatural menaces he faced in Canada and La Louisiane have not been left behind. With only his wits, knowledge, determination, and scramasax knife, he stands athwart the path between those horrors and the Provincial friends and neighbors he has silently vowed to protect.

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